I need to record the things that I am feeling. I need a way to vent in a healthy way.
My marriage to my wife, Perfect, is strained at best. We have been threatening to leave each other for sometime, but I have received conformation that I cannot break my temple covenant so I will not leave. Perfect on the other hand has not or at least not shown that she has the same conviction that I have. Some days she readily is willing to leave, and willing to move out. Of course with our 14 year old son in tow. When we first started going out, she would not make any commitment to an exclusive relationship with me. She had just one boyfriend in her entire life before me, and that was the man she dated just before we started going out. I remember when I tried to get her to go “steady” with me, she would not commit, she got angry and she would not hold me, but she asked if I could hold her, which I did.
We were temple married in 1985. That is a story for another time, but let's just say it was an adventure. I was pretty selfish and when I figured out that I was impotent I was almost excited that I did not need to worry about having children. I also knew that my wife desperately wanted to have children. Another fact was that in the 7th year of our marriage, I fell in-love with another woman and had an affair. That is another long story, but suffice it to say I repented and got back into full fellowship in the church in less then a year.
So after the affair, my wife and I had the strongest marriage we have ever had. We then went to LDS Family Services and adopted our son in November 1995. That is a wonderful story. I will tell that at another time, as I will all the other things I am bringing up. He is the love of my life.
Now, the day Angel, our son came home from LDS family services Perfect stopped having sexual contact with me. I do not mean slowed down, I mean stopped. Before that, it was as average as any healthy relationship would have, but then it just stopped dead. I was at that time the EQ President, we were going to the temple on a regular basis, and yet she totally stopped. It has never recovered. It was so devastating and surprising to me I was at a loss as to what to do. I did not dare bring it up to our social worker, although now I wish I had, it might have changed what is happening today.
Obviously Perfect and I have continued to grow apart because of the resentment and anger I have had over the years. We have tried to maintain a “Sunday” face through the years but now it is to the point where I don't even try to hide it anymore. I can't put on my poker face much. I have good friend I can talk too, but most everyone else who is in our ward is either not paying attention, or not wanting to get involved.
Perfect resents me even touching her in anyway. I used to always grab her hand during prayer. Now if I try, she pulls away or moves entirely from around me. I asked her a few weeks ago, after I had given her a tiny peck on the lips as she strained to pull away, if she didn't want me to do that any more. She said she didn't.
Perfect has become very close to Angel as this has been going on the past few years. I was a Mr. Mom for a few years when Angel was small. We had a wonderful relationship. He loved me coming home, now as a teenager he wants nothing to do with me, but he will talk for hours with Perfect in his room with the door closed. I believe that Angel is her surrogate spouse. She talks to him about all the things that I think she should talk to me about. Angel can do no wrong, and I cannot discipline him at all. I am the scapegoat and the reason anything goes wrong in the family.
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